Muslim House Names: Inspiring Choices & Ideas

Muslim House Names: Inspiring Choices & Ideas

Embark on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Muslim house names with our latest blog post. Discover the profound meanings and cultural significance behind each carefully chosen name, as we delve into the timeless traditions that shape these elegant monikers. From names rooted in Islamic heritage to those reflecting deep spiritual connections, our exploration promises to unveil the beauty and meaning behind every chosen name, providing you with inspiration and insight for selecting the perfect name for your home. Immerse yourself in the art of naming, where tradition meets modernity, creating a harmonious blend that resonates with the soul of your dwelling. Step into a world where each name tells a unique story, encapsulating the essence of Muslim identity and values. Join us as we celebrate the art of naming homes, embracing a sense of belonging and cultural pride.

Top 100 Muslim house names with meaning

  1. Baitul Aman – House of Peace
  2. Darul Salaam – Home of Peace
  3. Jannat Nazeer – Paradise View
  4. Noor Villa – Light Villa
  5. Rahmat House – House of Mercy
  6. Hira Residence – Named after Cave Hira, a place of revelation for Prophet Muhammad
  7. Zainab Heights – Named after a respected woman in Islamic history
  8. Khair Mansion – Mansion of Goodness
  9. Ar-Rahman Retreat – Retreat of the Most Merciful
  10. Firdaus Gardens – Gardens of Paradise
  11. Safa Haven – Haven of Purity
  12. Anwar Residence – Luminous Residence
  13. Al-Hidayah House – House of Guidance
  14. Amina Abode – Named after the mother of Prophet Muhammad
  15. Rizq Villa – Provision Villa
  16. Imaan Haven – Haven of Faith
  17. Sabah Home – Morning Home
  18. Aqsa Residency – Named after Masjid Al-Aqsa, a holy site in Islam
  19. Qalam House – House of Pen
  20. Jannah View – View of Paradise
  21. Maryam House – Named after the mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus)
  22. Barakah Bungalow – Blessing Bungalow
  23. Taqwa Tower – Tower of Piety
  24. Al-Wahid Residence – The Unique Residence
  25. Farah Retreat – Joy Retreat
  26. Shahid Place – Witness Place
  27. Hikmah House – House of Wisdom
  28. Qudrat Villa – Power Villa
  29. Qalb Cottage – Heart Cottage
  30. Hayat Haven – Life Haven
  31. Fajr Heights – Heights of Dawn (Fajr prayer)
  32. Al-Amin Mansion – Trustworthy Mansion
  33. Noura Nest – Light Nest
  34. Taqwa Towers – Towers of Piety
  35. Azra Gardens – Virgin Gardens
  36. Yusra Home – Named after a chapter in the Quran
  37. Bara’a Villa – Innocence Villa
  38. Zikr House – House of Remembrance
  39. Jibreel Residency – Residency of the Angel Jibreel
  40. Al-Mizan House – The Scale House
  41. Al-Hakim House – The Wise House
  42. Zaynab Zenith – Zenith of Zaynab, a respected woman in Islamic history
  43. Ar-Rahim Retreat – Retreat of the Most Merciful
  44. Shukr Residence – Gratitude Residence
  45. Hajar Haven – Haven of Hajar, a revered woman in Islam
  46. Sakina House – House of Tranquility
  47. Samina Place – Serene Place
  48. Faisal Fields – Fields of Justice
  49. Nida Residence – Call Residence
  50. Al-Basir Villa – The All-Seeing Villa
  51. Hana Home – Blissful Home
  52. Zafar Residence – Victory Residence
  53. Marwa Mansion – Named after the hills of Marwa and Safa in Mecca
  54. Ibtisam Villa – Smile Villa
  55. Taufiq Terrace – Success Terrace
  56. Ayat Abode – Abode of Signs (Verses from the Quran)
  57. Widad House – Love House
  58. Sadiq Place – Truthful Place
  59. Al-Muhyi Home – The Giver of Life Home
  60. Ruqayyah Retreat – Retreat named after the daughter of Prophet Muhammad
  61. Ali Heights – Named after the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad
  62. Laila Lodge – Lodge of the Night (Laila)
  63. Aziza Abode – Respected Abode
  64. Arham Haven – Merciful Haven
  65. Asmaa Abode – Abode of Names (Attributes of Allah)
  66. Ar-Rauf Residence – The Compassionate Residence
  67. Hadi House – Guide House
  68. Al-Mughni House – The Enricher House
  69. Haleem Home – Patient Home
  70. Nasir Nest – Helper Nest
  71. Zoya Zenith – Zenith of Life
  72. Suhaila Sanctuary – Sanctuary of Moonlight
  73. Ayaan Abode – Gift of God Abode
  74. Hashir Heights – Gatherer Heights
  75. Wali Place – Friend Place
  76. Faizan Fields – Blessings Fields
  77. Al-Musawwir House – The Fashioner House
  78. Sahir Residence – Wakeful Residence
  79. Fatima Fort – Fort of Fatima, daughter of Prophet Muhammad
  80. Tawakul Towers – Towers of Trust
  81. Majid Mansion – Noble Mansion
  82. Zain Residence – Beautiful Residence
  83. Aarif Villa – Knowing Villa
  84. Yasmin Yard – Yard of Jasmine
  85. Zumar Zenith – Zenith of Groups
  86. Al-Musawwir House – The Fashioner House
  87. Asif Villa – Forgiving Villa
  88. Jibril Junction – Junction of the Angel Jibreel
  89. Qais Residence – Residence named after Qais, meaning lover or seeker
  90. Amina Acres – Acres of Peace
  91. Maqbool Mansion – Accepted Mansion
  92. Jameela Junction – Beautiful Junction
  93. Umar Utopia – Utopia of Umar, a prominent figure in Islam
  94. Nazir Nest – Observer Nest
  95. Fairoz Fields – Fields of Turquoise
  96. Habiba Heights – Heights of the Beloved
  97. Rayyan Residence – Residence named after the gate of Paradise
  98. Sabeel Sanctuary – Sanctuary of the Path
  99. Naima Nook – Nook of Comfort
  100. Talha Terrace – Terrace of Talha, a companion of Prophet Muhammad

Top 100 Muslim house names in Urdu with meaning

  1. بیت السکونت (Beit-us-Sukoonat) – House of Tranquility
  2. دار الصلح (Dar-us-Salah) – Home of Peace
  3. جنت کا منظر (Jannat Ka Manzar) – View of Paradise
  4. نور ویلا (Noor Villa) – Light Villa
  5. رحمت کا گھر (Rahmat Ka Ghar) – House of Mercy
  6. حرا ریزڈنس (Hira Residence) – Hira Residence (named after the Cave Hira)
  7. زینب ہائٹس (Zainab Heights) – Zainab Heights (named after a respected woman in Islamic history)
  8. خیر منشن (Khair Mansion) – Mansion of Goodness
  9. ارحمان ریٹریٹ (Ar-Rahman Retreat) – Retreat of the Most Merciful
  10. فردوس گارڈنز (Firdaus Gardens) – Gardens of Paradise
  11. صفا ہیون (Safa Haven) – Haven of Purity
  12. انوار ریزڈنس (Anwar Residence) – Luminous Residence
  13. الہدایہ ہاؤس (Al-Hidayah House) – House of Guidance
  14. امینہ ابوڈ (Amina Abode) – Amina Abode (named after the mother of Prophet Muhammad)
  15. رزق ویلا (Rizq Villa) – Provision Villa
  16. ایمان ہیون (Imaan Haven) – Haven of Faith
  17. صبا ہوم (Saba Home) – Morning Home
  18. القدس ریزڈنسی (Al-Quds Residency) – Residency named after Masjid Al-Aqsa, a holy site in Islam
  19. قلم ہاؤس (Qalam House) – House of Pen
  20. جنت ویو (Jannah View) – View of Paradise
  21. مریم ہاؤس (Maryam House) – Named after the mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus)
  22. برکہ بنگلو (Barkah Bungalow) – Blessing Bungalow
  23. تقوی ٹاور (Taqwa Tower) – Tower of Piety
  24. الواحد ریزڈنس (Al-Wahid Residence) – The Unique Residence
  25. فرح ریٹریٹ (Farah Retreat) – Joy Retreat
  26. شاہد پلیس (Shahid Place) – Witness Place
  27. حکمہ ہاؤس (Hikmah House) – House of Wisdom
  28. قدرت ویلا (Qudrat Villa) – Power Villa
  29. قلب کاٹیج (Qalb Cottage) – Heart Cottage
  30. حیات ہیون (Hayat Haven) – Life Haven
  31. فجر ہائٹس (Fajr Heights) – Heights of Dawn (Fajr prayer)
  32. الآمین منشن (Al-Amin Mansion) – Trustworthy Mansion
  33. نورا نیسٹ (Noura Nest) – Light Nest
  34. تقوی ٹاورز (Taqwa Towers) – Towers of Piety
  35. عذرا گارڈنز (Azra Gardens) – Virgin Gardens
  36. یسرا ہوم (Yusra Home) – Named after a chapter in the Quran
  37. براعہ ویلا (Bara’a Villa) – Innocence Villa
  38. ذکر ہاؤس (Zikr House) – House of Remembrance
  39. جبرائیل ریزڈنسی (Jibreel Residency) – Residency of the Angel Jibreel
  40. المیزان ہاؤس (Al-Mizan House) – The Scale House
  41. الحکیم ہاؤس (Al-Hakim House) – The Wise House
  42. زینب زینتھ (Zaynab Zenith) – Zenith of Zaynab, a respected woman in Islamic history
  43. الرحیم ریٹریٹ (Ar-Rahim Retreat) – Retreat of the Most Merciful
  44. شکر ریزڈنس (Shukr Residence) – Gratitude Residence
  45. حاجر ہیون (Hajar Haven) – Haven of Hajar, a revered woman in Islam
  46. سکینہ ہاؤس (Sakina House) – House of Tranquility
  47. صمینہ پلیس (Samina Place) – Serene Place
  48. فیصل فیلڈز (Faisal Fields) – Fields of Justice
  49. ندا ریزڈنس (Nida Residence) – Call Residence
  50. البصیر ویلا (Al-Basir Villa) – The All-Seeing Villa
  51. حنا ہوم (Hana Home) – Blissful Home
  52. ظفر ریزڈنس (Zafar Residence) – Victory Residence
  53. مروہ مینشن (Marwa Mansion) – Named after the hills of Marwa and Safa in Mecca
  54. ابتسام ویلا (Ibtisam Villa) – Smile Villa
  55. توفیق ٹیریس (Taufiq Terrace) – Success Terrace
  56. آیات ابوڈ (Ayat Abode) – Abode of Signs (Verses from the Quran)
  57. وداد ہاؤس (Widad House) – Love House
  58. صادق پلیس (Sadiq Place) – Truthful Place
  59. المحیی ہوم (Al-Muhyi Home) – The Giver of Life Home
  60. رقیہ ریٹریٹ (Ruqayyah Retreat) – Retreat named after the daughter of Prophet Muhammad
  61. علی ہائٹس (Ali Heights) – Named after the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad
  62. لیلہ لاج (Laila Lodge) – Lodge of the Night (Laila)
  63. عزیزہ ابوڈ (Aziza Abode) – Respected Abode
  64. ارحم ہیون (Arham Haven) – Merciful Haven
  65. آسماء ابوڈ (Asmaa Abode) – Abode of Names (Attributes of Allah)
  66. الرؤف ریزڈنس (Ar-Rauf Residence) – The Compassionate Residence
  67. ہدی ہاؤس (Hadi House) – Guide House
  68. المغنی ہاؤس (Al-Mughni House) – The Enricher House
  69. ہلیم ہوم (Haleem Home) – Patient Home
  70. ناصر نیسٹ (Nasir Nest) – Helper Nest
  71. زویا زینتھ (Zoya Zenith) – Zenith of Life
  72. سہیلا سینکچوئری (Suhaila Sanctuary) – Sanctuary of Moonlight
  73. ایان ابوڈ (Ayaan Abode) – Gift of God Abode
  74. ہاشر ہائٹس (Hashir Heights) – Gatherer Heights
  75. ولی پلیس (Wali Place) – Friend Place
  76. فیضان فیلڈز (Faizan Fields) – Blessings Fields
  77. المصور ہاؤس (Al-Musawwir House) – The Fashioner House
  78. ساحر ریزڈنس (Sahir Residence) – Wakeful Residence
  79. فاطمہ فورٹ (Fatima Fort) – Fort of Fatima, daughter of Prophet Muhammad
  80. توکل ٹاورز (Tawakul Towers) – Towers of Trust
  81. ماجد منشن (Majid Mansion) – Noble Mansion
  82. زین ریزڈنس (Zain Residence) – Beautiful Residence
  83. عارف ویلا (Aarif Villa) – Knowing Villa
  84. یاسمین یارڈ (Yasmin Yard) – Yard of Jasmine
  85. ضمر زینتھ (Zumar Zenith) – Zenith of Groups
  86. المصور ہاؤس (Al-Musawwir House) – The Fashioner House
  87. آصف ویلا (Asif Villa) – Forgiving Villa
  88. جبرائیل جنکشن (Jibril Junction) – Junction of the Angel Jibreel
  89. قیس ریزڈنس (Qais Residence) – Residence named after Qais, meaning lover or seeker
  90. امینہ ایکرز (Amina Acres) – Acres of Peace
  91. مقبول منشن (Maqbool Mansion) – Accepted Mansion
  92. جمیلا جنکشن (Jameela Junction) – Beautiful Junction
  93. عمر یوٹوپیا (Umar Utopia) – Utopia of Umar, a prominent figure in Islam
  94. نذیر نیسٹ (Nazir Nest) – Observer Nest
  95. فیروز فیلڈز (Fairoz Fields) – Fields of Turquoise
  96. حبیبہ ہائٹس (Habiba Heights) – Heights of the Beloved
  97. ریان ریزڈنس (Rayyan Residence) – Residence named after the gate of Paradise
  98. سبیل سینکچوئری (Sabeel Sanctuary) – Sanctuary of the Path
  99. نعیمہ نوک (Naima Nook) – Nook of Comfort
  100. طلحہ ٹیریس (Talha Terrace) – Terrace of Talha, a companion of Prophet Muhammad

Muslim house names in Arabic with meaning

  1. بيت السلام (Bayt as-Salaam) – House of Peace
  2. دار الرحمة (Daar ar-Rahmah) – Home of Mercy
  3. جنة المنظر (Jannat al-Manzar) – Garden with a View
  4. فيلا النور (Fila al-Noor) – Villa of Light
  5. بيت الرحمة (Bayt ar-Rahmah) – House of Mercy
  6. منزل الهدى (Manzil al-Huda) – House of Guidance
  7. مسكن حراء (Miskan Hira) – Hira Residence (named after the Cave Hira)
  8. قصر زينب (Qasr Zainab) – Zainab Palace (named after a respected woman in Islamic history)
  9. قصر الخير (Qasr al-Khayr) – Palace of Goodness
  10. ملاذ الرحمن (Malaaz ar-Rahman) – Retreat of the Most Merciful
  11. حدائق الفردوس (Hadaa’iq al-Firdaus) – Gardens of Paradise
  12. مأوى الصفا (Ma’awwaa as-Safa) – Haven of Purity
  13. منزل الأنوار (Manzil al-Anwar) – Residence of Lights
  14. دار الهدى (Daar al-Huda) – Home of Guidance
  15. منزل أمينة (Manzil Amina) – Amina Residence (named after the mother of Prophet Muhammad)
  16. فيلا الرزق (Fila ar-Rizq) – Villa of Provision
  17. مأوى الإيمان (Ma’awwaa al-Imaan) – Haven of Faith
  18. منزل الصباح (Manzil as-Sabah) – Morning Residence
  19. منزل الأقصى (Manzil al-Aqsa) – Residence named after Masjid Al-Aqsa, a holy site in Islam
  20. بيت القلم (Bayt al-Qalam) – House of the Pen
  21. منظر الجنة (Manzar al-Jannah) – View of Paradise
  22. منزل مريم (Manzil Maryam) – Residence named after the mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus)
  23. بنغلة البركة (Bangla al-Barakah) – Bungalow of Blessings
  24. برج التقوى (Burj at-Taqwa) – Tower of Piety
  25. المنزل الفريد (Al-Manzil al-Fareed) – The Unique Residence
  26. منزل الفرح (Manzil al-Farh) – Residence of Joy
  27. مكان الشهيد (Makan ash-Shaheed) – Place of the Martyr
  28. بيت الحكمة (Bayt al-Hikmah) – House of Wisdom
  29. فيلا القدرة (Fila al-Qudrah) – Villa of Power
  30. كوخ القلب (Kukh al-Qalb) – Cottage of the Heart
  31. مأوى الحياة (Ma’awwaa al-Hayat) – Haven of Life
  32. ارتفاع الفجر (Irtifaa al-Fajr) – Heights of Dawn (Fajr prayer)
  33. المنزل الأمين (Al-Manzil al-Ameen) – The Trustworthy Residence
  34. عش النور (Ish al-Noor) – Nest of Light
  35. برج التقوى (Burj at-Taqwa) – Tower of Piety
  36. حدائق العذراء (Hadaa’iq al-Azraa’) – Virgin Gardens
  37. منزل يسرى (Manzil Yusra) – Named after a chapter in the Quran
  38. فيلا البراءة (Fila al-Baraa’) – Villa of Innocence
  39. بيت الذكر (Bayt adh-Dhikr) – House of Remembrance
  40. مأوى جبرائيل (Ma’awwaa Jibreel) – Haven of the Angel Jibreel
  41. بيت الميزان (Bayt al-Mizaan) – House of the Scale
  42. بيت الحكيم (Bayt al-Hakeem) – House of the Wise
  43. زينب زينت (Zainab Zeinat) – Zeinab’s Adornment (named after a respected woman in Islamic history)
  44. مأوى الرحيم (Ma’awwaa ar-Rahim) – Retreat of the Most Merciful
  45. بيت الشكر (Bayt ash-Shukr) – House of Gratitude
  46. مأوى هاجر (Ma’awwaa Hajar) – Haven of Hajar, a revered woman in Islam
  47. بيت السكينة (Bayt as-Sakeenah) – House of Tranquility
  48. مكان سامينا (Makan Samina) – Place of Samina (meaning calm and serene)
  49. ميدان فيصل (Meydan Faisal) – Faisal Fields
  50. مأوى النداء (Ma’awwaa an-Nidaa’) – Haven of the Call
  51. فيلا البصير (Fila al-Basir) – Villa of the All-Seeing
  52. بيت الهنا (Bayt al-Hana) – House of Bliss
  53. فيلا الظفر (Fila az-Zafar) – Villa of Victory
  54. قصر مروة (Qasr Marwa) – Named after the hills of Marwa and Safa in Mecca
  55. فيلا الابتسام (Fila al-Ibtisam) – Villa of the Smile
  56. تراس التوفيق (Teras at-Tawfiq) – Terrace of Success
  57. بيت الآيات (Bayt al-Ayat) – House of Signs (Verses from the Quran)
  58. بيت الوداد (Bayt al-Widad) – House of Love
  59. مكان الصادق (Makan as-Sadiq) – Place of the Truthful
  60. مأوى المحيي (Ma’awwaa al-Muhyi) – Haven of the Giver of Life
  61. فيلا الرقية (Fila ar-Ruqayyah) – Villa named after the daughter of Prophet Muhammad
  62. هاشر هايتس (Hashr Heights) – Gatherer Heights
  63. منزل ليلة (Manzil Laila) – Residence of the Night (Laila)
  64. بيت العزيزة (Bayt al-Aziza) – House of the Respected
  65. مأوى الرحمان (Ma’awwaa ar-Rahmaan) – Haven of the Merciful
  66. بيت الأسماء (Bayt al-Asmaa’) – House of Names (Attributes of Allah)
  67. بيت الرؤوف (Bayt ar-Rouf) – House of the Compassionate
  68. بيت الهادي (Bayt al-Hadi) – House of the Guide
  69. بيت المغني (Bayt al-Mughni) – House of the Enricher
  70. بيت الحليم (Bayt al-Haleem) – House of the Patient
  71. عش الناصر (Ish an-Nasir) – Nest of the Helper
  72. زويا الزينة (Zoya al-Zeenah) – Zenith of Adornment
  73. مأوى سهيلة (Ma’awwaa Suhaila) – Haven of Suhaila (meaning moonlight)
  74. بيت الأيان (Bayt al-Ayaan) – House of Ayaan (meaning gift of God)
  75. هاشر هايتس (Hashr Heights) – Gatherer Heights
  76. فيضان فيلدز (Faydan Fields) – Fields of Blessings
  77. بيت المصور (Bayt al-Musawwir) – House of the Fashioner
  78. ساهر ريزيدنس (Saher Residence) – Wakeful Residence
  79. قلعة فاطمة (Qal’ah Fatimah) – Fort of Fatima, daughter of Prophet Muhammad
  80. برج التوكل (Burj at-Tawakul) – Tower of Trust
  81. قصر المجيد (Qasr al-Majeed) – Majestic Palace
  82. فيلا الزين (Fila al-Zain) – Villa of Beauty
  83. فيلا العارف (Fila al-Aarif) – Villa of the Knower
  84. حديقة ياسمين (Hadiqat Yasmin) – Garden of Jasmine
  85. زمر زينة (Zumar Zeenah) – Zenith of Groups
  86. بيت المصور (Bayt al-Musawwir) – House of the Fashioner
  87. فيلا العاصف (Fila al-Asif) – Villa of the Forgiving
  88. تقاطع جبرائيل (Taqaat Jibreel) – Junction of the Angel Jibreel
  89. منزل قيس (Manzil Qais) – Residence named after Qais, meaning lover or seeker
  90. أكر بيت (Akr Bayt) – Acres of Peace
  91. قصر المقبول (Qasr al-Maqbool) – Accepted Palace
  92. تقاطع جميل (Taqaat Jameel) – Beautiful Junction
  93. عمر أوتوبيا (Umar Utopia) – Utopia of Umar, a prominent figure in Islam
  94. عش الناظر (Ish an-Nazir) – Nest of the Observer

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